
Book Review: Stolen Focus By Johann Hari

I recently read Stolen Focus by Johann Hari and would recommend it to you all. I bought this book to understand more about my TikTok addiction and to find a solution. After I finished reading the book, I felt more aware about the topic which I believe (awareness) is important when overcoming a bad habit. And, I also took away information I didn’t expect to which dealt with other core societal causes of poor focus (a lot of which deals with children and this section (along with the whole book) made me think a lot about my baby sister – so to all my children influencers (older bros/sisters || parents || teachers) this book is great for understanding the issue (bad focus) that plagues the younger generation and allows you to tackle the issue with your younger person better I believe). I would say this book is structured in 4 parts. And its structured smoothly through a narrative, it doesn’t just throw the facts at you like a non-fiction book; this made more enjoyable to read for me. Part ...

Project: Portfolio Website

  What? Morning! (Not an ad, or a course) Looking to code up your own portfolio website with zero experience? Well, I’ve done it, and I’ll tell you all about it to make your process simpler than mine was. If you ever need help with anything, just contact me. My website is I used Next.js, React, and TypeScript. This post is for people who want a stunning portfolio website built within a week. Take my advice lightly since I'm not a web developer, but I was able to create a personal site. The Scene It’s the Summer between my freshman and sophomore years, and all I know about computer science is math and data structures. So, looking at JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other components was a bit daunting. But I took up the challenge because I wanted a cool website to express myself. The Process Your most important tools are going to be YouTube tutorials, ChatGPT, and GitHub. I followed this tutorial on YouTube by JavaScript Mastery:  How to Build a Portfolio Website . T...

Course Assistant Experience: CS 115 w Dr. Kibis

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I Love Stevens

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My Demons

Here I will briefly mention some of my personal struggles to open a conversation to anyone who could benefit from hearing my story. Please reach out to any friends of yours with struggles and make sure they are doing okay. Perhaps I’ll update this with more details in the future but here’s the general idea.  I was a bad cat in my teenage years with many bad habits, but I am blessed to have moved past them and grow into the manimal I am today. During my highschool career I had every bad habit under the sun. I stole, fought, partied too often, disrespected, put others down, half assed everything from relationships to school work, had an alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction, weed addiction, porn addiction, social media addiction, netflix addiction, and probably more stuff I can’t think of right now.  I don’t remember what drove me to change, perhaps it was gradual I don’t remember. I eventually figured out I didn’t want to continue hurting my body, making others feel bad, rega...

Book Review: Cracking the Coding Interview By Gayle Laakmann McDowell

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Book Review: Python Crash Course By Eric Matthes

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