Book Review: Stolen Focus By Johann Hari

I recently read Stolen Focus by Johann Hari and would recommend it to you all. I bought this book to understand more about my TikTok addiction and to find a solution. After I finished reading the book, I felt more aware about the topic which I believe (awareness) is important when overcoming a bad habit. And, I also took away information I didn’t expect to which dealt with other core societal causes of poor focus (a lot of which deals with children and this section (along with the whole book) made me think a lot about my baby sister – so to all my children influencers (older bros/sisters || parents || teachers) this book is great for understanding the issue (bad focus) that plagues the younger generation and allows you to tackle the issue with your younger person better I believe).

I would say this book is structured in 4 parts. And its structured smoothly through a narrative, it doesn’t just throw the facts at you like a non-fiction book; this made more enjoyable to read for me. Part 1: Hari explains in detail several common reasons of declining focus such as speed, flowstates, mind-wandering, etc. Part 2: Hari goes into how of how social media apps are built to just eat you. Part 3: Hairy (hehe) goes into deeper and more societal issues that effect our focus. A lot is related to child development. Part 4: Hari goes into a solution to stolen focus through social movements and individual changes. This isn’t much of a self-help book with tips, there are no solutions (Hari mentions his a bit), but being aware is helpful again I believe to beating a bad habit and its good to be more mindful overall about the issue that effects this chaotic world. 

Thank you for reading. Comment your favorite books. I’ll be lending books out this fall – heres the doc:

#Great book #Selfimprovement


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