I Love the Stevens Computer Science Club

I am a part of the Computer Science Club. We are a group of smart, kind and silly folks who meet once a week

Wednesdays at 9:15 - 10:15 to cover CS topics or hold workshops. Past meetings have been Discord Bot workshops,

FinTech TalkS, Upperclassmen panelS, ML workshops and so much more. 

The great thing about Stevens is all the organizations that are offered, there is really a club for everyone. I found

SCSC to be mine because the people are very nice, outgoing and smart. I was able to come out my shell and talk

to more people and meet amazing folks. I love this club and thank them for all the wisdom they have provided me

and the relationships they’ve allowed me to form. I am even able to present my own topics sometimes! 

Thank you SCSC!


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