My Mentality

My mentality is shaped by what I used to be. I was the worst I could be, and now all I want to be is the best I can

be so I can give that to my friends, family and career. 

I strive to be positive even when things don’t go as planned. I try and brighten the room a bit. I want to compliment

others more. I like talking to others as well and checking up on them. 

I strive to love my family and be there for my little sister and grow into a fine adult for my parents. I’ll give the

world to my sister and so much of my time to help her find her way in life. 

I strive to take on challenges in my academic life. I’m currently handling 20 credits, a Course Assistant position,

some extra learning on the side (just a bit) on top of my athletics and family time. I love hard assignments and

am excited for harder classes in the future. I’ve grown to handle this workload, a year ago just CS-115, Physics

and Calculus was a lot haha. 

I strive to build a strong body which in turn strengthens my brain. I lift so I can push past my limits everyday.

I love the pain and love pushing past what I was last week.

I like studying, lifting, my family, chatting and that is all I need. 

I know there is no finish line and I am ready to give my best every moment I have on this beautiful earth. 

I look up to David Goggins. He’s a great guy with a troubled past who only wants to strive to be the best he

can be. I love his mentality of pushing for people to do what they need to get done regardless of

how they feel, regardless of if their sore, sleepy, depressed, heart broken, regardless if they even failed

the day before. He loves taking on challenges and making them harder than they need to be because it only

makes you stronger.

I look up to Elon Musk. He's an incredibly smart and creative man who's mission is inspiring. He works hard

and his goal is to simply make humanity better. His ventures are grand and exciting Neuralink, Tesla, SpaceX and

others; they turn an immense profit but for the betterment of society. I hope one day I can contribute to innovative

projects and put my all into them and in turn the world.

I don’t strive towards anything special, I just want to be the best I can be to make this world and my world

better for everyone. And I know even if I’m not a genius, or a rizzler or a genetic beast I can get far with just

guts and will power. 

Thank you for reading, love u!


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