
Showing posts from August, 2024

Book Review: Stolen Focus By Johann Hari

I recently read Stolen Focus by Johann Hari and would recommend it to you all. I bought this book to understand more about my TikTok addiction and to find a solution. After I finished reading the book, I felt more aware about the topic which I believe (awareness) is important when overcoming a bad habit. And, I also took away information I didn’t expect to which dealt with other core societal causes of poor focus (a lot of which deals with children and this section (along with the whole book) made me think a lot about my baby sister – so to all my children influencers (older bros/sisters || parents || teachers) this book is great for understanding the issue (bad focus) that plagues the younger generation and allows you to tackle the issue with your younger person better I believe). I would say this book is structured in 4 parts. And its structured smoothly through a narrative, it doesn’t just throw the facts at you like a non-fiction book; this made more enjoyable to read for me. Part ...

Project: Portfolio Website

  What? Morning! (Not an ad, or a course) Looking to code up your own portfolio website with zero experience? Well, I’ve done it, and I’ll tell you all about it to make your process simpler than mine was. If you ever need help with anything, just contact me. My website is I used Next.js, React, and TypeScript. This post is for people who want a stunning portfolio website built within a week. Take my advice lightly since I'm not a web developer, but I was able to create a personal site. The Scene It’s the Summer between my freshman and sophomore years, and all I know about computer science is math and data structures. So, looking at JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other components was a bit daunting. But I took up the challenge because I wanted a cool website to express myself. The Process Your most important tools are going to be YouTube tutorials, ChatGPT, and GitHub. I followed this tutorial on YouTube by JavaScript Mastery:  How to Build a Portfolio Website . T...

Course Assistant Experience: CS 115 w Dr. Kibis

 In Progress...

I Love Stevens

 In Progress...

My Demons

Here I will briefly mention some of my personal struggles to open a conversation to anyone who could benefit from hearing my story. Please reach out to any friends of yours with struggles and make sure they are doing okay. Perhaps I’ll update this with more details in the future but here’s the general idea.  I was a bad cat in my teenage years with many bad habits, but I am blessed to have moved past them and grow into the manimal I am today. During my highschool career I had every bad habit under the sun. I stole, fought, partied too often, disrespected, put others down, half assed everything from relationships to school work, had an alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction, weed addiction, porn addiction, social media addiction, netflix addiction, and probably more stuff I can’t think of right now.  I don’t remember what drove me to change, perhaps it was gradual I don’t remember. I eventually figured out I didn’t want to continue hurting my body, making others feel bad, rega...

Book Review: Cracking the Coding Interview By Gayle Laakmann McDowell

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Book Review: Python Crash Course By Eric Matthes

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Book Review: Dive Into Algorithms By Bradford Tuckfield

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Book Review: Mission Python: Code a Space Adventure Game! By Sean McManus

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Book Review: Javascript Crash Course By Nick Morgan

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Book Review: Python for Data Analysis By Wes McKinney

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Book Review: Django for Beginners By William S. Vincent

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Book Review: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python By Al Sweigart

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Sophmore: Spring Semester

 In Progres...

Sophmore: Fall Semester

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Freshman: Spring Semester

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Freshman: Fall Semester

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My Goals

The date is Janurary 12th, 2025. Here are my short term goals and long term goals!  Short Term:  It's my second sophmore year semester and I'll be taking web dev, numerical linear algebra, proofs, systems programming, principles of programming languages, and intermediate statistics. It's a goal of mine to get a A in every class. I didn't do too well last semester but I think I could have have and I will this semester! Not only that but I hope to get to know the professors and my classmates more.  I'll also be a CA for CS 284 and I'll help students the best I can by reviewing the class' material.  I want to be more active on campus clubs, so I'll be forming the LeetCode club and the AI club and continuing my work with the SCSC. I'll also join the robotics club here.  And finally I'm a bit late for this but I'll find myself an internship or research opportunity in a field of interest either BMIs, robotics, quantum computing or whatever else my ...

My Projects

Project 0: Python Music Reccomender  This was a CS-115 final project that I led my group through. I organized workloads and gave active feedback. This was a simple terminal text project that takes in a file and let's the user add their favorite artists. It compares data with other users (which are just other profiles from the file) and gives music reccomendations. There are also functions to edit preferences. This project showcases edge handling, teamwork, file manipulation and reading, binary search, problem solving and iteration proficiency.  Project 1: Portfolio Website (Tutorial Followed)  Project 2: Financial Tracker (Tutorial Followed)  Project 3: Minimax TicTacToe implementation (Tutorial Followed)  Project 4: Python Financial Tracker (Solo)  Project 5: Cancer Logistic Regression Implementation (Solo) 

Currently I Am...

Janurary 12th 2025 Sophmore 2nd Semester. Course Load: 18 Credits MA 240 - Proofs and Refutations MA 544 - Numerical Linear Algebra for Big Data CS 392 - Systems Programming CS 546 - Web Programming  MA 331 - Intermediate Statistics  CS 496 - Principles of Programming Langauges  CS 284 - Data Structures Course Assistant  Clubs:  Robotics Club Leet Code Club (Creation) AI Club (Creation) CS Club 

My Mentality

My mentality is shaped by what I used to be. I was the worst I could be, and now all I want to be is the best I can be so I can give that to my friends, family and career.  I strive to be positive even when things don’t go as planned. I try and brighten the room a bit. I want to compliment others more. I like talking to others as well and checking up on them.  I strive to love my family and be there for my little sister and grow into a fine adult for my parents. I’ll give the world to my sister and so much of my time to help her find her way in life.  I strive to take on challenges in my academic life. I’m currently handling 20 credits, a Course Assistant position, some extra learning on the side (just a bit) on top of my athletics and family time. I love hard assignments and am excited for harder classes in the future. I’ve grown to handle this workload, a year ago just CS-115, Physics and Calculus was a lot haha.  I strive to build a strong body which in turn str...

I Love my Family

I have a Father, Mother, Younger Sister and Older Sister.  I visit them every weekend and call them every day.  My mother cares for my health, studies and personal life. My father is my silly friend.  My younger sister is my really silly friend and someone I drive to inspire. To inspire that anything can be accomplished with hard work.  Thank you family; everything I do is for you.

I Love the Stevens Computer Science Club

I am a part of the Computer Science Club. We are a group of smart, kind and silly folks who meet once a week Wednesdays at 9:15 - 10:15 to cover CS topics or hold workshops. Past meetings have been Discord Bot workshops, FinTech TalkS, Upperclassmen panelS, ML workshops and so much more.  The great thing about Stevens is all the organizations that are offered, there is really a club for everyone. I found SCSC to be mine because the people are very nice, outgoing and smart. I was able to come out my shell and talk to more people and meet amazing folks. I love this club and thank them for all the wisdom they have provided me and the relationships they’ve allowed me to form. I am even able to present my own topics sometimes!  Thank you SCSC!